UW-Stout Implied Consent Statement for Research Involving Human Subjects

Consent to Participate In UW-Stout Approved Research

Project Title: Impact of life experience on a physics question

Description: This project is focused on determining the effect of winter driving experiences on students’ answers to a conceptual physics question on circular motion. I will be collecting student pretest data on question number 6 on the Force Concept Inventory, about the direction a marble takes leaving a circular channel. I will also be asking about where geographically your institution is. My hypothesis is that students from places with icy winter roads will do better on the pretest than students from warmer climates.

 Risks: There is a small risk of emotional discomfort at sharing your students’ FCI data. If you feel uncomfortable, you can decline to participate.

Benefits: This project may help physics education researchers and physics instructors better understand how life experiences affect student understanding of physics.

Confidentiality: I will be asking for aggregate student data, so students are protected. Your information will not be shared in any way as to be identifiable. Any dissemination will focus on regional results, not by institution or by instructor.

Future Use: The data you provide will not be used for any other project.

Time Commitment: This project will take you between 15 minutes and one hour of time, depending on how easy your FCI data is to access.

Right to Withdraw: Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary. You may choose not to participate without any adverse consequences to you. You have the right to stop the survey at any time. Should you choose at a later time to withdraw from this study, contact the researcher Laura McCullough at McCulloughL@uwstout.edu to have your data removed.

IRB Approval: This study has been reviewed and approved by The University of Wisconsin-Stout’s Institutional Review Board (IRB). The IRB has determined that this study meets the ethical obligations required by federal law and University policies.  If you have questions or concerns regarding this study, please contact the Investigator.  If you have any questions, concerns, or reports regarding your rights as a research subject, please contact the IRB Administrator.

Laura McCullough
Professor of Physics
University of Wisconsin-Stout
IRB Administrator:
Elizabeth Buchanan
Office of Research and Sponsored Programs
101 Vocational Rehabilitation Bldg.
Menomonie, WI 54751

Statement of Consent: By clicking the “Go To Survey” link below, you are consenting to participate in this study.

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