Women’s Leadership in STEM

Very little is known about the intersection of women’s leadership and women in STEM. I am surveying female leaders in STEM fields to see what their experience has been: assistance, barriers, path.

If you are a female in STEM in a leadership position, please consider taking the survey. Women with a STEM background who are in a general leadership position are eligible (provost, chancellor, etc.).

Anonymous link: http://tinyurl.com/womenleadersinstem

Updates and initial results available at this ResearchGate page.


Dual-Science-Career Couples

I am repeating a survey originally completed by Laurie McNeil and Marc Sher in 1999. If you are part of a two-science-career couple, I invite you to take this survey.

Anonymous link: https://uwstout.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_80368sRMJy1Zqkt